
"I'm Not Dying" Now Available!

Today I am happy to announce that my latest album is available for your consumption. It is called I'm Not Dying and you can get it here. For now the album is available on my Bandcamp page, and will shortly be on iTunes, Spotify, and whatever other major services you listen to your music on. I have grown throughout the making of this album as the music should reflect. I have learned tons about my own workflow and creativity, and have been aided by some great people and musical minds. I'd like to thank those people below:

First off I'd to thank all people that performed on this record. I'm grateful I know so many talented musicians that are willing to work for beer, food, or whatever I have lying around the studio. Everyone worked hard and pushed me to stay on my toes during the production process. I'm learning a human being is only as strong as the people he/she surrounds themselves with, and these people proved that. So thank you and I hope everyone enjoys the spoils of their hard work. Here are their names in no particular order: Garrett Tegano (memo),  Chris Marrone, Evy Ortiz, and Nate Crepeault (Deferlow). 

I also have to thank the man who made these tracks come to life, and that is Christopher Botta. He worked tirelessly in his studio, Staple Chest Audio, and made my songs better versions of themselves. A true engineering artist. 

Big ups to Scooter Sebastian for the beautiful drawing he created for this release. He took some basic direction and made a unique image that breathes even more life into the music. I'm a sucker for good album art, and I couldn't be more proud of how this album looks. 

Thanks to Nate Wood at Kerseboom Mastering. He mastered the album and made sure it won't blow your ears off. 

Finally thanks to friends and family that helped with getting this album pressed and released. Making an album is expensive, and we wouldn't be enjoying this music if it weren't for a few people willing to finance this project. Thank you, you know who you are.

Here's to a happy New Year, and many more albums to come in the future.

Free Music on Bandcamp!

In order to mentally prepare for the upcoming release of my latest album I have made all albums on my bandcamp site free to download. If you're not into paying for music (which I totally understand) then this is a perfect opportunity for you. On top of offering all my music for free I will be handing out discounted pre-orders on my upcoming release, I'm Not Dying, to anyone who downloads a Pedrodomus record during this periodAll of this will be done through If you are not familiar with this site I highly recommend checking it out. All it takes is an email address, and an open mind. There's tons of great musicians releasing their tunes through bandcamp from DIY artists to major labels. Plus lots of musicians are just asking for a dollar or simply your email address to download their music. Go discover some new tunes and get some old school Pedrodomus as it won't be free forever.