Fancy footwork required.
Honestly, I really just want a blog post on the top of my site to have that title. It should weed out any prospect with ears and a mouth that thinks we have a responsibility to protect our youth from the horrors of the Internet. As my boy Nate would say, I don't want any saps listening to my music. I don't need any self-denying hipsters to comment saying that my use of classic song form is neither groundbreaking nor highly developed. What am I talking about? I'm a hipster and damn proud to say it. (Not that it matters.) I give zero fux! Well actually I do and would be much obliged if all those demographics I slighted earlier picked up my albums of musical musings for 3-10 bucks a pop. Thnx ;)
New digs: Pacha Mama Studios
What a hilarious expression! Anyone substituting 'cks' with an 'x' is just flat out brilliant. Seriously, I giggle every time I say it but only because I envision the letter 'x' snuggling up next to 'f' and 'u' and telling them "I can love you better than 'c,' 'k,' and 's.' Oh and I fuck better too." Then again I can be easily amused.
New music from Pedrodomus (yea that's me) is coming. Consider this the first official announcement after being noncommittal since my noncommittal "Lampshades" release. I will be giving everyone more info on a specific name and date for this upcoming album, but I can tell you this: it is an LP with about 8 tracks ranging from 5-7 minutes long each. There is a lot of me playing guitar and sadly enough singing into a microphone. There are guests and new voices on this album. I am extremely proud and can't wait to share it. Should be sometime in the early stages of 2014.